Playa Monsul Timetable

If you are considering visiting the Mónsul beach If you want to find out about the opening hours, bear in mind that the local council may change them from time to time and that if you have any doubts it is best to speak to those directly responsible. As of today we can tell you that there is no Monsul beach and its opening hours. 

Today, as in the past, access on foot and enjoyment of the Mónsul beach is completely free and you can access it any day and at any time.

Timetable for access to the beach of Mónsul by car

There are no limits or restrictions on Playa Mónsul and its opening hours, you can go at any time and on any day, but it is true that access to the beach for cars was limited last year from 1 July to 15 August and it really was a time restriction. 

In 2021, the last year, the board agreed that once the capacity was full in the early hours of the morning and in any case from 11:00 until 14:00 access would remain closed. The same measure was also applied from 16:30 to 18:30, allowing in the central hours in case of availability regulated access to complete the capacity. 

Make sure you do this every summer before you go, just in case. If you decide to do any of the activities in Cabo de Gata We will also inform you if you need it about the situation for the day you want to visit the beach Mónsul. 

This is a very well preserved area of Cabo de Gata, with a high ecological and scenic value, which is why there are also access limitations and gauge control for motorhomes and large vehicles.

In addition, there are seasons when there is a significant charge of 5€ per vehicle to access and park in the area. This money goes towards the maintenance and control of this treasure that we can all enjoy in our beloved Almería.

Silvia Gutiérrez
Silvia Gutiérrez
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