You may not have paid much attention to the old town of Moraira but you may know or have heard of its beaches, and this is normal but not forgivable. We all know that Moraira is a summer town and that on its beaches you can do a lot of things. aquatic activities Kayaking and other routes (which, by the way, we recommend you to take advantage of the summer days in this area of the Costa Blanca) but you can't miss the old town of Moraira for anything in the world.
What to see in the old town of Moraira?
Moraira is a small fishing town in the province of Alicante, but despite being small we can assure you that it has a lot of charm. Its old town preserves a wonderful cultural heritage with very beautiful corners that you will love. We recommend that after an active day of sun and beach, after a shower, you put on your sandals and your walking clothes and go for a stroll through the streets of the old town of Moraira. As it is a tourist town, you will be able to stroll through its streets before and after dinner and find charming little shops that are still open for the tourists and visitors it receives during the summer months. The main shopping street in the old town of Moraira is Calle Dr. Calatayud, where you will find summer clothes shops, decoration shops, accessory shops, and of course, bars and restaurants.
When you reach the end of this street, if you turn left, you can continue along Calle Mar where you'll find more bars and charming little corners where you'll get some nice pictures.
Church of Our Lady of the Forsaken of Moraira
In the Calle de la Iglesia, as the name suggests, you will find the village church. This is also located in the heart of the old town of Moraira. On the side of the church there is a square with some bars and restaurants where you will see that during the summer evenings there are always people eating on the terraces and children playing quietly. It is definitely a good place to dine with family or friends. This street is right in the middle of the shopping street, so you might want to turn around and take a look at this area or the church, if you are interested.

The port of Moraira close to its old town
When you have finished with the street of shops and businesses (very pretty and with a very pleasant walk) you will find at the end of it the port area of Moraira, in fact you will already be right in front of the sea. Here we also recommend that you take a stroll to get hungry and finish your day in one of the restaurants serving traditional food and Mediterranean gastronomy that you can find all over the old town and the coast.
If you go to the right, you can stroll through an open square and enjoy the views of the water. In this area there is a kind of bench where you can sit and watch the waves of the sea. It's a great chill-out plan that, with good company and a good chat, you'll be hard to forget.
End your tour of the old town at Moraira Castle.
If you decide to continue your walk, which may seem like a long walk but in reality the distances are very short, you will come face to face with the Moraira Castle. This castle is a fortress that you can find right in front of the sea, perched on a rocky elevation. It is a building with a semicircular façade facing south with spotlights that surround it, leaving a picture postcard image every night.
We could go on and on about every corner of Moraira and its old town, but in this case we think you should get to know it with your own eyes and enjoy a relaxed and fun summer afternoon and evening.